

2024 Region Elimination: 1st-Sioux Roger Parient. 2nd-Tubbs Eric Forrester. 3rd-Storm Pete Zeldenrust. 4th-Pinky Wayne Fishburn. 5th-Savvy Eric Forrester. 6th-Chloe Charlie Thomas.

2024 Open High Point: 1st Savvy Eric Forrester. 2nd Tubbs Eric Forrester. 3rd Hades Wayne Fishburn. 4th Rose Roger Parient(not pictured)

2024 Amateur High Point: 1st Riggs Jim Thomas. 2nd(tie) Coco John Wiesman. 2nd(tie) Cooper Jon Bronnenberg. 4th Storm Cheyanne Dunigan. 

2023 Region Elimination Final 6- Pinky, Rose, Bandit, Beau, Spec, Gauge

22-23 High Point- Athena, Hades, Tubbs, Beau, Moxie, Pinky

22-23 Amatuer High Point-Emmy, Harlan, Ginger, Billie, Thelma, Marsh

2022 Region Elimination Final 6

1st-Hades, 2nd-Athena, 3rd-Moxie, 4th-K-Os, 5th-Luna, 6th-Trigger

2022 Open High Point Top 5

1st-Francis, 2nd-Athena, 3rd-Cici, 4th-Sioux, 5th-Trigger

2022 Amateur High Point





2021 Trial of Champions Winner- Athena and Wayne Fishburn

2021 Region Elimination Final 6

2021 High Point Top 6

2020 High Point- 1. Cici  2. Coupe  3. Abby  4. Dove

2019 Region Elimination- Sioux, Ranger, Scout, Coupe, Rooster, Bailey

2019 High Point- 1.Coupe  2.Beer  3.Hondo  4.Ranger  5.Liberty

2018 High Point

2017 Regional Finalists

2017 High Point

2016 Regional Finalists- Athena, Zeus, Scout, Ringo, Ranger, Liberty

2016 High Point

2015 Regional Finalists

2014 Regional 

2012 Regional Finalists

2011 Regional

2001 Regional

2001 Regional B Field

1987 Regional

1. Don Abner 2. Tom Couch 3. Jeff Moore 4. Charlie Parrett

Open High Point Champions

2024      Savvy Eric Forrester

2023 Athena Angie Fishburn

2022     Francis Emma Coke

2021 K-os Emma Coke

2020 Cici Eric Forrester

2019 Coupe Jim Thomas

2018 Coupe Jim Thomas

2017 Coupe Jim Thomas

2016 Beer Jeff Moore

Amateur High Point Champions

2024 Riggs Jim Thomas

2023 Emmy Jim Thomas

2022 Harlan Charles Payton

Region Elimination Champions

2024 Sioux Roger Parient

2023 Pinky Angie Fishburn

2022  Hades Wayne Fishburn

2021 Athena Angie Fishburn

2020 *Regional Elimination canceled due to Covid-19

2019 Sioux Roger Parient

2018 Athena Angie Fishburn

2017 Ranger Roger Parient

2016 Athena Angie Fishburn

2015 Ruby Joe Dunnigan

2014 Zeus Wayne Fishburn

2013 Brandy Jeff Moore

2012 Maggie Bob Turner

2011 Molly Roger Parient

2010 Molly Roger Parient

2009 Jazzie Bev McAdams

2008 Shorty Roger Drake

2007 Addy Clem Grover

2006 Baron Micheal Lee

2005 Whiskey Jeff Moore

2004 Buddy David Chandler

2003 Sam Charles Smith

2002 Angus Scott Boomershine

2001 Rocky David Wilson

2000 Max Bev McAdams

1999 Bull Robert Felix

1998 Trouble Jack Booream

1997 Ginger Rober Hollars Jr.

1996 Bart Pat Euriga

1995 Sport Willard Beasley

1994 Will Brian Martin

1993 Rocky Carol Barnes

1992 Chief George Wilson

1991 Dan Don Wright

1990 Rebel W. Greg Smith

1989 Dixie Tom Couch

1988 Dancer Unknown

1987 Judy Don Abner

1986 Lucy Kenneth Maddox

1985 Bud Unknown

Indiana region By-laws

Indiana Region By-Laws



Section I

The name of the association shall be Indiana region Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association

(Indiana Region)


Section I

Membership in the National Association shall be open to all persons

expressing the interest in the objectives and purposes of this association. The members shall further signify and express their intentions by participating in field trials, membership meetings and work as needed to keep the Indiana Region operable.

Section II

Membership in the National Association shall be granted to any

individual meeting membership requirements as outlined in the National ASSOCIATIONS’ Constitution and by-laws


Section I

C. In case of vacancy in the office of the president, the first vice- president automatically becomes president.

D. In case of vacancy of vice-president, secretary, treasurer or Board of Directors, the officers shall appoint a replacement to serve remainder of the term. The Appointee will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors if there is one year or more remaining in the term.





Section I – Duties of President

the Year.

Conservation Bird Dog Club- second week of October Pike County Bird Hunters – First week of November

Shoe Billy Farms - Last week of September.

Glens Valley Conservation Club – Week before Dog of


Conservation Bird Dog Club – Two weeks before Champion of Champions

Pike County Bird Hunters – First week of March Shoe Billy Farms – Last week of March

Glens Valley Conservation Club – Week before

Champion of Champions

2) The Region Elimination Trial will be two weeks prior to the Champion of Champions trial (Amended 2012 Region Elimination trial to be held prior to Champions) and will rotate to each club as follows: Amended 2012 new rotation Glens

Valley, Pike County, Brookville, Pigeon River, Amo

Conservation Bird Dog Club, Glens Valley Conservation Club, Pike County Bird Hunters, (Shoe Billy Amended 2010 Removed from rotation and Rock Point Farms Amended 2010 Removed from rotation). If that date falls on Easter then the trial will either be one weekend prior or one week after Easter. The club holding the trial decides which date to hold the region. When the region rotates to Glens Valley Conservation Club the region will be one week after the Champion of Champions trial. The club holding the Region Elimination Trial is guaranteed the field trial the weekend prior to the region. If the trial prior to the Region Elimination Trial conflicts with another clubs permanent date then the club having the trial will automatically forfeit its permanent date to that club. Amended 2010 Requirement for hosting a trial, #trials (spring and fall), a charity trial and if they do not have a charity trial then the amount owed will be a minimum amount from the other clubs. If the clubs do not follow the rules they will be pulled from Region Elimination rotation

3) A club already approved to hold a region Elimination Trial must hold two NSTRA field trials, one in the spring and one in the fall. If the club does not comply, it will be removed from the rotation. In order for a club to be added to the Region Elimination Trial rotation it must be inspected by a committee, appointed by the President and consisting of one member from each club. The committee will make their recommendations to the President, who will present the findings at the next annual meeting. The committee will determine if the club has sufficient parking, trial grounds and facilities to accommodate the Region Elimination Trial
